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start [2021/07/30 03:29] – [COVID-19 dashboard] Júne Parkstart [2025/03/10 05:26] (current) – [Workflows for Linux Disto] Júne Park
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 <text type="danger">Júne's **O**ne **W**iki **L**AB</text> [**OWL**] is a collective platform to organize and manage personal & private information of Júne's. This {{fa>wikipedia-w}}iki is also for providing practical manuals of **<text type="info">operating working machines</text>** and **<text type="success">solving technical problems</text>**.  <text type="danger">Júne's **O**ne **W**iki **L**AB</text> [**OWL**] is a collective platform to organize and manage personal & private information of Júne's. This {{fa>wikipedia-w}}iki is also for providing practical manuals of **<text type="info">operating working machines</text>** and **<text type="success">solving technical problems</text>**. 
-{{mdi>account-key-outline?28&color=#005670}} currently accessing from  ~~NOCACHE~~ <php>echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];</php> {{fa>refresh?fa-spin&color=#b52e31}} <php>echo ' with '; echo '<sub>'; echo $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; echo '</sub>';</php>+{{mdi>account-key-outline?28&color=#005670}} currently accessing from <php> echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; </php> {{fa>refresh?fa-spin&color=#b52e31}} <php> echo ' with '; echo '<sub>'; echo $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; echo '</sub>';</php>
 <button type="success" size="sm" icon="mdi mdi-wikipedia">[[|Júne's Wiki]]</button>  <button type="success" size="sm" icon="mdi mdi-wikipedia">[[|Júne's Wiki]]</button> 
 <button type="warning" size="sm" icon="mdi mdi-hospital-marker">[[#covid-19_dashboard|COVID-19 ]]</button>  <button type="warning" size="sm" icon="mdi mdi-hospital-marker">[[#covid-19_dashboard|COVID-19 ]]</button> 
 <button type="danger" size="sm" icon="mdi mdi-medical-bag">[[#medical_informatics|Medical info]]</button>  <button type="danger" size="sm" icon="mdi mdi-medical-bag">[[#medical_informatics|Medical info]]</button> 
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 ==== Fast Performance Labs ====  ==== Fast Performance Labs ==== 
-{{mdi>wifi-strength-3-lock?2x&color=#005670}} **[[:secured:denovo_vpn|codex de ]] novo prioritas** {{mdi>lock?color=#222}}  <sub> --- **Updated** on // 2020/08/06 22:01//</sub> \\ +{{mdi>wifi-strength-3-lock?2x&color=#005670}} **[[:secured:denovo_vpn|codex de ]] novo prioritas** {{mdi>lock?color=#222}}  <sub> --- **Updated on** // 2024/04/17 18:50//</sub> \\ 
-  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  '''' +  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  '''' 
-{{mdi>router-wireless?2x&color=#89ba16}} [[:secured:resolved_dns|refero de]] for //de novo// {{mdi>lock?color=#222}}  <sub> --- **Updated** on // 2021/01/22 02:15//</sub> \\ +{{mdi>router-wireless?2x&color=#89ba16}} [[:secured:resolved_dns|refero de]] for //de novo// {{mdi>lock?color=#222}}  <sub> --- **Updated on** // 2024/04/17 18:50//</sub> \\ 
-  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  '''' +  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  '''' 
-{{mdi>domain?2x&color=#008374}} [[:secured:nom_domains|refero de]] free domains  {{mdi>lock?color=#222}}  <sub> --- Updated on // 2021/01/22 02:16//</sub> \\+{{mdi>domain?2x&color=#008374}} [[:secured:nom_domains|refero de]] <del>free domains</del> --- ''Out of service'' {{mdi>lock?color=#222}}  <sub> --- Updated on // 2021/01/22 02:16//</sub> \\
   * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  ''''    * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  '''' 
-{{mdi>server-network?2x&color=#540070}} [[:secured:hosted_servers|sui hosting]] in manibus {{mdi>lock?color=#222}}  <sub> --- Updated on // 2021/01/22 02:16//</sub> \\  +{{mdi>server-network?2x&color=#540070}} [[:secured:hosted_servers|sui hosting]] in manibus {{mdi>lock?color=#222}}  <sub> --- **Updated on** // 2024/04/17 19:13//</sub> \\  
-  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>: '''' +  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>: '''' 
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 ==== Workflows for Linux Disto ====  ==== Workflows for Linux Disto ==== 
-{{mdi>ssh?2x&color=#ce181e}} [[:secured:ssh_publickey|public keys for authorized_keys]] {{mdi>lock?color=#222}} <sub> --- **Updated** on // 2020/08/06 01:17//</sub> \\ +{{mdi>ssh?2x&color=#ce181e}} [[:secured:ssh_publickey|public keys for authorized_keys]] {{mdi>lock?color=#222}} <sub> --- **Updated on** // 2024/04/17 19:24//</sub> \\ 
-  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  '''' +  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  '''' 
-{{mdi>message-alert?2x&color=#4e4a59}} [[:secured:motd_raspbian|message of the day (motd)]] {{mdi>lock?color=#222}} <sub> --- **Updated** on // 2020/08/06 01:16//</sub> \\ +{{mdi>message-alert?2x&color=#4e4a59}} [[:secured:motd_raspbian|message of the day (motd)]] {{mdi>lock?color=#222}} <sub> --- Updated on // 2025/03/10 05:25//</sub> \\ 
-  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  '''' +  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  '''' 
-{{mdi>script-text-outline?2x&color=#ff4f81}} [[:secured:server_script|scripts for machines]]  {{mdi>lock?color=#222}} <sub> --- Updated on // 2018/09/02 09:07//</sub> \\ +{{mdi>script-text-outline?2x&color=#ff4f81}} [[:secured:server_script|scripts for machines]]  {{mdi>lock?color=#222}} <sub> --- Updated on // 2025/03/10 05:25//</sub> \\ 
-  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  '''' +  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  '''' 
-{{mdi>database-settings?2x&color=#839073}} [[:secured:server_config|configuration for machines]] {{mdi>lock?color=#222}} <sub> --- Updated on // 2018/09/07 18:10//</sub> \\ +{{mdi>database-settings?2x&color=#839073}} [[:secured:server_config|configuration for machines]] {{mdi>lock?color=#222}} <sub> --- Updated on // 2025/03/10 05:25//</sub> \\ 
-  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  '''' +  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  '''' 
 {{mdi>web?2x&color=#7cae7a}} [[:secured:nginx_config|Nginx confinguration]] {{mdi>lock?color=#222}}  <sub> --- **Updated** on // 2020/08/06 01:11//</sub> \\ {{mdi>web?2x&color=#7cae7a}} [[:secured:nginx_config|Nginx confinguration]] {{mdi>lock?color=#222}}  <sub> --- **Updated** on // 2020/08/06 01:11//</sub> \\
-  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  '''' +  * <sub>''**URL**''</sub>:  '''' 
 ---- ----
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   * <button type="primary" size="sm" icon="mdi mdi-baby-face-outline">[[|Crouzon syndrome]]</button> --- <sub>Crouzon syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by the ''premature fusion of certain skull'' bones (''**craniosynostosis**''). This early fusion prevents the skull from growing normally and affects the shape of the head and face.</sub>   * <button type="primary" size="sm" icon="mdi mdi-baby-face-outline">[[|Crouzon syndrome]]</button> --- <sub>Crouzon syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by the ''premature fusion of certain skull'' bones (''**craniosynostosis**''). This early fusion prevents the skull from growing normally and affects the shape of the head and face.</sub>
 +  * <button type="primary" size="sm" icon="mdi mdi-baby-face-outline">[[|Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW)]]</button> --- <sub>Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome is a condition in which there is an extra electrical pathway in the heart that leads to periods of rapid heart rate (tachycardia).</sub>
 <hidden>#c58c85 #ecbcb4 #d1a3a4 #a1665e #503335 #592f2a </hidden> <hidden>#c58c85 #ecbcb4 #d1a3a4 #a1665e #503335 #592f2a </hidden>
  • start.1627615765
  • Last modified: 2021/07/30 03:29
  • by Júne Park